b'4 INTRODUCTION|ORDERING, WARRANTIES AND INVOICINGOrdering is easy.Ordering with us hasHow to place an order Third party deliveriesnever been simpler. Place your order online at www.avsl.com,Third party deliveries may be accepted phone, or email. All orders received beforefollowing a faxed or emailed confirmation of So, whether you do2:00pm Monday to Friday are dispatchedthe correct delivery address. for delivery the next working day. it online, by phone or(Excludes deliveries to Remote Areas,This must be a full address including the postcode,a contact name at the address email, our friendly teamsee below for more.) and a telephone number. Back orders The cost of this service is 10 per order are ready to assist withwhich will be added as a 3rd party delivery your orders and answerUnless you inform us otherwise, any itemscharge to the invoice. You must ensure that there is someone authorised to sign for the any other questionsthat cannot be immediately supplied will begoods as 3rd party delivery addresses are placed on back order.often occupied by many individuals.you might have. Once the goods arrive you will be contacted by telephone at which point our sales team will reconfirm the order with you. All backTimed deliveriesorders are automatically fulfilled as soon asTimed deliveries will be subject to we have your stock allocation. an additional charge, which will be communicated before the order is Small order charge dispatched.We operate a minimum order value of 100 (ex vat). Orders under 100 will incur a smallLarge volume ordersfacebook.comorder charge of 10. This charge is to cover /avslgroup the extra handling that small orders requireThe volume of your order may mean that in our warehouse and dispatch departments. the goods must be dispatched on our pallet carrier. Due to this fact, we must know if @AVSLGroupLtd the delivery address has access issues or any other factor that may prevent a Free delivery successful delivery.instagram.com/We offer a free next working day deliveryThe additional services detail above avslgroup/ service (goods will be delivered beforeapplies to any delivery made using the pallet 6:00pm Mon-Fri) to all of our customers withservice, plus an additional surcharge will be linkedin.com/the following exceptions: applied should a tail-lift vehicle with pallet company/avslgroup/ Remote Areas - the following postcodes aretruck be required.deemed to be remote by our carriers andOur pallet carrier service is generally a next will normally receive a 48 hour service: BT,day service; however larger consignments GY, HS, IM, IV, JE, KA, KW, PA, PH, TR, ZE andand delivery points with access issues may Republic of Ireland.take 2 days to deliver.FREE Channel Islands & outlying islands includingPlease note:the Isle of Wight, Isle of Man, Shetland, theThis service is only available to official Orkneys & the Western Isles - DELIVERY Orders to these destinations are not suppliedUK business addresses. We regret that on a carriage paid basis, customers fromwe are unable to deliver to domestic or these areas will be required to make theirresidential addresses.Free next working day delivery service for orders ofown transport arrangements. Alternatively, 100 or over. Orders must be placed before 2.00pm. Terms and conditions apply. please call our sales department who will be happy to quote you for delivery.T0161 749 8180 Esales@avslgroup.com www.avsl.com'